Hélder Martins Fontes
Helder Fontes received the MSc degree in 2010 and Ph.D. degree in 2019, both in Informatics Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. He is the coordinator of the Wireless Networks (WiN) area at INESC TEC and since 2009 he has participated in multiple national and EU research projects, including SITMe, HiperWireless, FP7 SUNNY, H2020 ResponDrone, DECARBONIZE, FLY.PT and Fed4FIRE+ SIMBED, SIMBED+ and SMART open call projects. He has been advisor of 10+ MSc theses on wireless networking simulation, emulation, and experimentation. His research interests include wireless networking simulation, emulation, and experimentation in the scope of emerging scenarios such as airborne and maritime, with special focus on repeatability and reproducibility of experiments using digital twins of wireless testbeds.
Luís Corte-Real
Luís Côrte-Real graduated in Electrical Engineering, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), in 1981. He completed a Master’s Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), in 1986, and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at FEUP, in 1994. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Electrical and Computers Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty of the University of Porto (FEUP), where he teaches in the areas of communication systems and signal processing. He is a Researcher at INESC TEC since 1985 and his research interests include image and video processing and computer vision.

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino holds a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, since 2011, from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, and a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering since 2015, from the same institution. He has been an Assistant Researcher at INESC TEC since 2015, in the area of Optical and Electronic Technologies (OET), specifically in heterogeneous and reconfigurable computing, computer architectures, and languages & tools for hardware/software co-design. Since 2017, he has also been an Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, by the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI).
Rúben Queirós
Rúben Queirós completed in 2020 The MSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. He is currently a PhD candidate in the Doctoral Program of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the same institution. He has been an Assistant Researcher at INESC TEC since 2020, in the area of Wireless Networks (WiN). He has participated in the SMART open call project and the EU research project InterConnect. His research interests include Wi-Fi, Reinforcement Learning and Flying Networks.

Hugo Manuel Oliveira
Hugo S. Oliveira received MSc Degree in 2012 in Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and an MSc in Computer Science in 2018, both at the University of Porto. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science focused on Multimodal Data representation employing intersections between Natural Language Processing (NLP) and computer vision techniques among medical domains. He has been the advisor of 2 MSc student’s theses in Deep Learning and NLP. His research interest includes Large Language Models (LLM), NLP, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series, and Network Data Representation in the scope of medical problems, with a special focus on reasoning and understanding complex relations in this domain.