
Are you interested in scientific research? Would you like to learn how to design and create something new? The Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM) at INESC TEC is giving you that chance.

The Summer Internships at CTM is an annual event, now on its 8th edition, which allows you to be part of research and development work, supervised by experts from CTM.

At CTM we are working on research lines aimed at creating a dynamic and sustainable global environment. We are working towards intelligent 6G systems powered by smart radios and optical communications, integrated with rich Augmented and Virtual Reality experiences and data. We develop, test, and move to industry our own solutions powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques to solve problems or provide new services in fields like healthcare, the Internet-of-Things, Edge AI, telecommunications, and self-driving cars, drones, or submarines.

These internships are part of INESC TEC’s Summer Internships, which includes topics from even more scientific domains! Find more information on INESC TEC’s website.

The internships will last for one month during July. They will be unpaid and can be in-person, remote, or in a hybrid format. At the end of the internship, the interns will have the opportunity to present their work to the Centre and other interns, where they can win one of the awards for best internship! Every participant will receive a Certificate of Conclusion they can add to their CV!

Have a look at the Past Editions to see the topics CTM has already supervised during these internships. Check out what former interns say about this experience!

For more information contact us at ctm-summer-internships@lists.inesctec.pt!

Want to participate?

To apply for an internship, you can browse through the available internship topics available for this year’s edition, and submit your application via this application form, that will be available until May 15th. You’ll receive the results of your application via e-mail. You can apply to more than one internship topic, and we’ll work to find the best supervisor and topic for you!

Before the internships start, we will also host a Q&A session where you can ask any questions you might have about the process or the internships. Sign up for the Q&A session here. The session will be held at INESC TEC, in Auditorium A.

See the calendar to keep up with important dates.